Monday, October 4, 2010

BPH Camp with Dr.Jayaraman held at Pavithra hospital by Prakash.R and R.Anguraj

We discussed with Dr.Suresh kumar the M.D of pavithra hospital with Target Prostate success.Doctor appreciated the video and also asked us about doing a activity in pavithra hospital. We told about our procedures of doing camp with urologist and non-uro’s.Immediately he gave a call to Dr.Jayaraman HOD of Urology at Madras Medical College & Hospital and confirmed the date 27/09/2010.Then we started distributing the 2000 pamphlet to more than 40 nearby chemist chambers. We also distributed the pamphlets in major Supermarkets and Hotels. We hanged two banners in front of the hospital in visible area

In the camp totally 31 patients came and all are pure urology patients
Out of 31 patients 23 were prostate patients and remaining were stone patients
Dr.Jayaraman did scan for  12 patients and all were found symptomatic
We totally got 30 prescription of our various products like Urifast,Ston1,Urimax-D,Alfusin-D and Urimax.We expect a business of 10-15000 from pavithra hospital this month .Both Dr.Jayaraman and Dr.Suresh kumar were happy and promised a sure support of all urology products.Here after we can expect a regular business of 10000 from this hospital.Because of this camp we got a strong relation with all hospital staffs and pharmacy people

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