Monday, September 6, 2010

Patient Awareness program With Dr.Natarajan

With Dr.Natarajan
With patients

Patient awareness Program

Speaker: Dr.V.S.Natarajan

On: 1/9/2010

Venue: AnnaNagar Park

Ø Early morning 5.30 am i distributed patient education booklets with   Dr.V.S.Natarajan a senior consultant (Geriatrician) in Anna Nagar Park to elderly patients.

Ø More than 95 people were informed about the awareness and given the patients awareness booklet.

Ø Dr has explained about the BPH to the patients comfortably that all of them can understand

Ø Dr.V.S.Natarajan  assisted some people who asked doubts on BPH the doctors is so happy about Cipla doing this service to elderly

Ø Many of the patients said that the booklet was easy to understand about the BPH

Ø And finally after the program Dr has promised an exclusive support on Urimax-D and Alfusin-D

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